Welcome, Pet Rat Lovers!
Hello! Welcome to my small website dedicated to helping people who are interested in pet rats. Everything on my site is based on my family’s years of rat-affiliation, and what we’ve found works best for us and our ratties, often just through trial and error. Everything that works for us might not work for you, and that’s ok, but hopefully you can learn a bit from our experiences.

On this site, I have different pages dedicated to different pet-rat topics. I cover housing needs and food; toys and games; health and wellness (note: I am of course not a vet, so please don’t take anything I say medically as more than one person’s anecdotal observations; if you believe your rat needs medical care, do not in any way rely on my website to provide it, ok?); why rats vs other pets, and male vs female; and I’ll tell you a little about my family and our rat experiences.

I also have a rat gallery of cute rat pics, and a page with links to other wonderful pet-rat-information sites on the web. Thank you for visiting, I hope you enjoy my site!